Terms and Conditions


Reservations for accommodation by guests (the Guest) are accepted by The Christchurch Hideaway (the Agent) on behalf of property owners (the Owner). These terms and conditions apply to all bookings no matter how the guests book. This means if you book via a 3rd party (such as Airbnb, VBRO, etc) these terms still stand. By staying at the Hideaway, guests are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

CORONAVIRUS NOTICE: For all future bookings we will continue to offer a full refund or postponement if government regulations prevent your holiday from proceeding due to a formal national lockdown. We recommend that you have travel insurance in place to cover you in the eventuality of you or one of your group becoming sick or having a positive covid test.

The Agreement: The rental agreement is between the Guest and the Owner.

The contract is deemed to have been made once the Guest has paid a deposit and the Agent has dispatched a confirmation of booking. The Guest must be over 18 years of age at the time of booking.

Booking: The Guest who makes the booking is deemed to have agreed to these Terms and Conditions will be responsible for all persons included in the booking and should ensure that they are all aware of these Terms & Conditions and also agree to the terms. The Owner reserves the right to decline any booking or refuse to hand over a key to any person who has not complied with these Terms & Conditions.

Payment: For bookings made more than 6 weeks before arrival, a deposit (part payment) of 50% of the total cost of the holiday, is required. The balance is due 6 weeks before the holiday commences. For bookings made less than 6 weeks before arrival, the total amount is payable in full on booking.

The Guest agrees to pay the balance of the payment SIX (6) weeks before the holiday is due to start. Email reminders are sent, but delivery cannot be guaranteed. Where a Guest fails to pay their balance by the due date the booking may be cancelled and the deposit retained.

Health and Safety: All guests must familiarise themselves with our risk assessments for their stay available online here by clicking this link. Guests must adhere to all requirements and ensure their obligations are fulfilled at all times. The owners accept no responsibility for loss, damage or injury if guests do not follow their responsivities and in extreme circumstances guests could be asked to leave.

Cleaning: The Guest is responsible for leaving the accommodation in good order and in a clean condition; otherwise a cleaning charge will be levied. Please note that the convention for UK Holiday cottages is that Guests are expected to leave the property in a similar state to which they find it (reasonable cleaning excepted). Please abide by this convention so we can continue to provide good value for Guests.

Number of People using Holiday Accommodation: The Guest is responsible for at the time of booking notifying the Owner of all guests in their party. The Owner permits the Guest and the agreed members of the Guest’s party (but no one else) to occupy the property and use the facilities including the garden, hot tub and all other facilities for holiday purposes only. The Guest must declare the correct number of additional Guests during booking and, if this changes, must inform the Agent before the rental commences of any change. No more than the maximum number of persons agreed may occupy the property or use any of the facilities unless by prior written agreement with the Owner. Extra charges may be applicable if the number of Guests differs from the number on the booking or the booking cancelled and all moneys retained by the owner.

Arrival/Departure: The properties (unless otherwise stated in the property details) are available for occupation from 4.00 pm on the first day of the holiday and must be vacated by 10.00 am on the last day.

Cancellation or Changes by the Guest: Once the holiday is booked, the Guest has entered into a legally binding contract. If the Guest cancels, for whatever reason (including medical, self-isolation requirements, positive covid test and weather related) then no refund of the deposit will be due, and within 6 weeks of the holiday no refund of the full balance is due. Cancellations can be actioned by emailing the Owner or via the contact page of our website. In the event that the property is re-let, for the cancelled period, the Agent may at their discretion refund the amount paid subject to a £50 admin fee and any other costs. In the event the cancelled period is re-let for a lesser amount the lesser amount will be refunded.

It is recommended and expected that the Guest will have or will take out a holiday insurance policy (which includes cancellation insurance covering sickness, self isolation and unavoidable reasons for cancellation) prior to their stay. It is the responsibility of the guests to ensure that their personal possessions are insured. We cannot accept any liability for theft of, loss of or damage to personal possessions.

Security deposit: The refundable security deposit is £200 per property. The security deposit will be refunded within 14 days following your stay less any expenses for excessive breakages, damage, additional cleaning. The security deposit is not a limited liability for the guest and damage, or causing expenses for the Owner above this amount may be pursued via the appropriate routes.

Breakages & Damages: Please treat the facilities & accommodation with due care so that other guests may continue to enjoy them. If you notice something is missing or damaged in your accommodation, please let us know immediately so that we can take the appropriate action. If there has been any damage or breakages during your stay, we would be grateful if you could report them promptly, especially before check-out. The accommodation will be inspected at the end of the holiday & you may be charged for any loss or damage. In the unlikely event that you accidentally break or cause any damage we would prefer items to be replaced “like for like” during your stay. For any damages, please arrange for these to be rectified during your stay or shortly after.

If the property is uninhabitable or unavailable due to damages or any other reason caused by the Guest or his party then a daily rental (as per the prices on our listing) will be charged until the property is usable and available again.

Lost keys will incur a standard fee of £65 per key.

It is the responsibility of the guests to ensure that their personal possessions are insured. We cannot accept any liability for theft of, loss of or damage to personal possessions.

Guest Responsibility: The supervision of children, babies and any adults requiring care remains the responsibility of the Guest at all times.

Guests should put all furniture etc back to where it was at the beginning of the rental period.

Guests should not leave any items at the property and, if left, the Owner has the right to charge for the removal, return or disposal of those items.

Damage, Loss, Theft: Guests agree to inform Owners of any damage or loss however caused, excluding reasonable wear and tear incurred during occupation. Guests should not remove any item from the property. The Owner may ask for reasonable replacement costs. In the instance of damage the Agency reserves the right to reimburse the Owner automatically via the payment method provided at booking.

Nuisance: Guests should not cause nuisance or annoyance to occupants of any nearby property or any other person during their stay. If, in the sole opinion of the Owner, any person is not suitable to continue their occupation of the property because of unreasonable behaviour, damage or nuisance to other parties, the contract may be treated by the Owner as discharged and the Owner may repossess the property immediately. The Guest will remain liable for the whole cost of rental and no refund shall be due.

Access: Guests must allow reasonable access to the property by the Agent/Owner for maintenance given reasonable notice.

Complaints Procedure: If a Guest has a complaint it should be submitted to the Owner or their housekeeper at the earliest opportunity. No complaints can be accepted unless notified immediately and during the rental period as Owners should be given an opportunity to make good the reason for the complaint.

If a complaint cannot be resolved and Guest wishes to take the matter to Court this should be done at the Court nearest to the Owners address. Any assistance provided by The Christchurch Hideaway in resolving a complaint in relation to your booking is provided on a goodwill basis and as an Agent.

Property descriptions and all details both written and verbal are given in good faith and believed to be correct, but interpretation thereof can be subjective and as such their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Property details may vary over time from photographs and descriptions on the websites. Facilities specified may not be available during the stay for reasons outside the control of the Owner. No refunds or discounts can be made due to this.

Liability: The Agent/Owner cannot accept responsibility for any material loss, damage, additional expense or inconvenience directly or indirectly caused by or arising out of the property, its plumbing, gas, electrical services or exceptional weather.

No responsibility is accepted for loss or damage of property, (including pets), vehicles or vehicle contents belonging to the Guest or any member of the party during their occupancy.

The maximum liability accepted by the Agent/Owner will be the total cost of the holiday as paid by the Guest to the Agent. No other expenses such as travelling costs or alternative accommodation will be accepted.

Cancellation by Owners: The Agent/Owner reserves the right to refuse any booking and to cancel any bookings already made if the property is unavailable (eg through fire, flood, etc) for any reason whatsoever, subject to a full refund of all monies paid (but no further liability). Neither the Agent nor the Owner shall be under any other liability if such cancellation occurs. Note: in the unlikely event of a cancellation the Agent will make every possible effort to secure alternative accommodation if required.

No Smoking: The Christchurch Hideaway has a No Smoking policy within properties.

Force Majeure: The Agent or Owner cannot accept responsibility or liability for any alterations, delay or cancellation or any other loss or damage caused by war, civil strife, terrorist action, industrial disputes, fire, sickness, bad weather, epidemics, acts of any government or public authority, or any other event outside our control.

Waiver: The failure of the Owner to enforce or exercise, at any time or for any period of time, any term of, or any right pursuant to this agreement does not constitute and shall not be construed as a waiver of such term or right.

Miscellaneous and general rules: The Guest agrees that the contract with the Owner is made at the Owner’s premises and that any proceedings between the parties shall be conducted in the County Court nearest to the Owner.

Please lock the doors, gate and close the windows when you leave the property unoccupied.

Please make sure you switch off lights, heating or any electrical appliances when you go out.

We do not have electric vehicle charging points on the premises. Please do not plug into any outside or inside sockets to charge your car.

The client may under no circumstances re-let or sublet the property, even free of charge.

No compensation will be given for any temporary outage of electricity, gas, water, internet connection, television hot tub or pool service.

The guest agrees not to deface, make any alterations or additions to the interior or exterior of the premises or to the decoration, fixtures or fittings of the premises or to the furniture.

Not to affix any poster or placard to the interior or exterior of the premises. Decorations must not be affixed using pins, Blu/ white Tack etc. or any fixing which may cause damage or mark the walls and doors. We do not permit the use of confetti within our accommodation.

The guest agrees not to store outside equipment such as bikes, scooters, fishing rods etc. inside the property.

Guests are not permitted to bring entertainment/ catering (excludes takeaways)/ beauty or any other outside private companies onto the premises without prior arrangement with The Owner.

Fireworks, Chinese Lanterns, Fires and Candles (indoor & outdoor) are not permitted under any circumstances.

Not to do anything or suffer or permit anything to be done as a result of which any policy or insurance held by the Owners on the premises may become void or voidable or subject to an increased rate of premium.

Please respect the community and try to keep noise levels to a minimum, especially between 10 pm and 8 am. We request that guests do not to play or permit to be played in the premises any musical instrument or sound production equipment between the hours of 10.00pm and 8.00am that is audible from outside the premises. We take all noise complaints very seriously and anyone not adhering to this rule will be asked to leave along with the rest of the party without refund.

Smoking and vaping, which includes E-Cigarettes anywhere inside the premises will result in immediate termination of occupancy and forfeiture of all payments. This must be strictly adhered to and any damage or extra cleaning caused by smoking will be at the expense of you. Outside smoking is permitted, please use ashtrays and sand tubs provided.

The Christchurch Hideaway is kept pet free for those with allergies. Additionally, pets belonging to authorised visitors are NOT permitted.

COVID-19 – If you feel unwell with Covid-19 symptoms during your stay please immediately travel home to self-isolate. Unfortunately, there is no facility to self-isolate within your accommodation.

The hot-tub and pool if available are provided for guests entertainment and may be used non-exclusively by guests. Guests with sun cream, fake tan or other lotions or creams must wash before using the hot tub. Failure to adhere to this will leave to a fee of £45 to cover emptying, cleaning, refilling and reheating the hot tub as well changing the now damaged filter. Although some drinking is permitted in the hot tub, guests must not be drunk within it for safety concerns. All guests must not use the hot tub or garden after 10pm or before 8am to minimise the impact on adjourning properties or other people. No smoking or eat is permitted in the hot tub.

We cannot guarantee the availability of the facilities on site. No refunds or reductions are made in the event that any of the facilities are unavailable.

The Christchurch Hideaway is privately owned. We expect all guests to enjoy the facilities and treat the property with the same respect that they would with their own house.

We reserve the right to make reasonable amendments or additions to these terms and conditions without notice

Any Help? Write to us !